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Thursday, October 31, 2019

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THEORY- Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THEORY- - Essay Example The study will also discover the relation of these theoretical frameworks with the movie Lord of the Flies directed by Harry Hook in 1990, and the film Independence Day (1996) directed by Roland Emmerich. Consequently, the study will provide a critical appreciation of the above-mentioned theoretical frameworks by demonstrating their association with the international politics one the one hand, and with the films afore-mentioned on the other. First articulated by the American political-scientist Kenneth Waltz in his remarkable work Theory of International Politics in 1979, neo-realism perspective submits to state that the nation-states of the world appear to be the most dominant actors at international, which serve as sovereign in nature and hence introduce and apply the strategies in the best interests of their subjects (Baldwin, 1093, p. 26). Their ego-centrism does not allow them to work against their political, economic, cultural, geographical and strategic interests; as a result, the administrations of these sovereign states may take even unjust steps in favour of their own country, and against the rival states at large. It creates an anarchical state of affairs at global scale, because of the absence of any regularity authority that could play decisive role in order to maintain peace and dictate the states work within their geographical boundaries instead of meddling into the affairs of others through unjust and unnecessary interferences into the affairs of others (Keohane, 1994, p. 11). This anarchical state of affairs not only appears to be extremely challenging for the global peace and tranquillity, but also could pave the way towards conflicts and clashes between the states for the future years to come. As a result, the situation could create the circumstances similar to the ones that had ignited the European nations for standing against each other and for waging the horrible Great Wars eventually. Neo-realism approach is aptly regarded the expansion o f the idea of realism devised by the renowned sixteenth century Italian philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli in his illustrious the Prince (1532), where he had declared sovereignty and defence of the geographical and ideological boundaries of his state as the first and foremost obligation before a head of state (Machiavelli, 2009, p. 19). However, neo-realism approach also contradicts and suns the realism perspective due to the very reality that it lays stress upon the need for the maintenance of peace and stability at international scale with the creation and upsurge of a neutral and impartial regularity authority that could bring all sovereign states to terms during their entering into cruel and ruthless adventures against the sovereignty of other countries of the world. In other words, neo-realism looks for the appointment of international authority, in the absence of which the nation-states appear to be blowing their own trumpet and justifying even their unjust causes that look reall y challenging for the security of the comparatively weaker nations of the world; the movie under the title â€Å"Lord of the Flies† (1990) also draws out the same scenario. The movie

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Communicative maturity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Communicative maturity - Essay Example Concisely, all these varied aspects of my life have curved me into a mature and ambitious individual that will be noteworthy and contributive in the life ahead. I have taken majors in Finance and Supply Chain Management, and it is my highest desire to continue my lifelong learning process that inclined me to attend your Language School, one of the most credible institutions. Since few decades, experts have indicated rapid advancement in the wave of globalization, and it has now become very imperative to be aware of other languages and cultures, essential for personal, as well as collective development and progress. Since I know that I have passion for language, I can learn French language in an effective manner. During these years, I have been managed my life through effective management of my responsibilities towards family, work, and school activities. In addition, as an immigrant, I worked very hard to learn English that was essential to be a part of American life. In this regard, English language allowed me to create relationships that I now enjoy and adore with my classmates, colleagues, and people around me. Moreover, English language enabled me to avail various opportunities in the United States that have now enhanced my quality of living. It is very important that an individual should set realistic objectives, and my desire to involve myself in a long-learning process has resulted in my application for learning French language. In other words, this language program will open new avenues.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Inquiry Into The Death Of David Bennett

Inquiry Into The Death Of David Bennett This essay aims to critically analyse the Sir John Blofeld inquiry report into the death of David Bennett in 1998, through the theme of institutional racism. In order to achieve this, I will give a brief background to the inquiry chaired by Blofeld in 2001. This will enable me to reflect upon the various aspects of this particular case and build a context for the inquiry. I will look at explanation of evidence based practice to social work and seek to learn from the report in order to inform my own practice. The choice of the above theme reflects my belief in anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory as a good social work practice. Mr David Bennett was an African-Caribbean. He suffered from schizophrenia. He had been receiving treatment for his mental illness for some eighteen years before the date of his death. On that evening, Mr David Bennett had been in an incident with another patient who was white. During that incident, each man struck out at the other. Mr David Bennett was also the recipient of repeated racist abuse from the other patient. After this incident, Mr David Bennett was moved to another ward. While in that ward he hit a nurse. He was then restrained by a number of nurses and a struggle developed. He was taken to the floor and placed in a prone position, face-down, on the floor. During the prolonged struggle that then continued he collapsed and died. The first part of the Inquiry covers the whole period of Mr David Bennetts illness, the events leading up to his death and certain other events that took place during the hours and days following his death. I will provide a definition of evidence based practice. Evidence based practice is the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individuals (Newman et al 2005, P: 4). It calls for decision making that is considered rather than reactive. Therefore professional should be equipped with the knowledge that will enable them to discharge their responsibility effectively, and they must continue to learn, and put that learning in practice. Decision making at an individual level must also be informed by professional judgement and intimate knowledge of the clients personal narrative. Evidence-based practice cannot deliver certainties just increase probabilities (Newman et al 2005). Inquiries have been crucial to raise societys awareness about social problems that disadvantaged groups of people face. For practitioners, the reports of these inquiries have indentified some valuable lessons to be used to refine policies and everyday practice. The findings from MacPherson report into the death of Stephen Lawrence and the Ritchie Inquiry into the care and treatment of Christopher Clunis found institutional racism in the mental health and police. The same problem identified by Blofeld inquiry into the death of David Bennett. Benefits of public inquiry, according to Brammer (2007, P: 291), include its ability to ascertain the facts of the case; learn lessons for the future and to meet public concern. Prior to the death of Bennett, there had been a number of deaths of BME people in psychiatric custody that had concerned the Institute of Race Relations. These included the death of Orville Blackwood in Broadmoor Hospital in 1991 through to the death of Veron Cowan at Blackberry Hill Hospital in Bristol in 1996 (Athwal,2004). The critical atmospheres of inquiries and media attention lead to the belief that there was institutional racism. This put the activities of psychiatrics are usually under scrutiny during public inquiries into the death of BME and as a result, such inquiries have had an impact upon their morale in practice. I will now define institutional racism. The definition set out in the Macpherson Report (1999) is: Institutional racism is the collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behaviour which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping, which disadvantage minority ethnic people. (Macpherson 1999). Institutional racism is a systematic set of patterns, procedures, practices, and policies that operate within institutions so as to consistently penalise, disadvantage, and exploit individuals who are members of non-White groups (Better, 2002). Institutional racism in mental health hospitals could be evidenced in a number of ways. Failing to provide BME patients with an adequate diagnosis, not providing them with a coherent treatment plan, not offering appropriate treatment and failing to meet needs are common examples. As Singh concludes: Such failures occur repeatedly over many encounters with the services, and several clinicians individually and collectively contribute to the poor decision-making. These experiences are replicated nationally for patients from ethnic minority groups. (Singh, 2007, p: 363). In the case of David Bennett inquiry 2003, all external experts agreed unanimously that institutional racism exists in psychiatric services. In UK, racist practice is not openly or publicly encouraged, according to Race and Relations Act. The public is concerned with institutional racism (the inequalities) in mental health, and there is evidence that Black minority ethnic (BME) people are marginalised in mental health services. Misdiagnosis200 When black people come into contact with professionals such as the psychiatrists or health workers, they focus inappropriately on culture, and ethnicity at the expense of sound clinical judgement and this is where BME Patients experience misdiagnosis and poor health care. In case of David Bennett, his early contact with mental health services, the psychiatrist (Dr Feggetter) was dismissive and believed that his problems were due to cannabis intoxication. From 1980 to 1985 professionals thought that it was his use of cannabis that was causing the problem rather than this mental ill-health, but he was diagnosed later as suffering from schizophrenia. Therefore, the stereotypes can form the basis of misdiagnosis. Pilgrim and Rogers (1999) are of the view that professionals appear to have a limited capacity to recognise psychiatric disorders in black patients compared with other patients. Young black men are misdiagnosed by the mental system, which tends to operate on the basis of limited or inadequate knowledge of black communities and using stereotypical expectations of young black mens behaviours (Fernando, 1998). Treatment 300 Experts estimate that black people are three times more likely to be diagnosed as schizophrenic but less likely to be diagnosed with depression (McKenzie 1999). Also, there is evidence that black men were more likely than others to be held in secure in-patient environments. Pilgrim (2005, P: 32) suggests that racial biases mean black people are disproportionately dealt with by specialists mental health services, and as these services are characterised by coercive practices, one could interpret this as institutional racism. More so, on the clinical side of treatment, In relation to Bennetts treatment at the Norvic Clinic, the report refers to actions by professionals which can be seen as driven by institutional racism. Dr Sagovsky related that Bennett was on a particularly high level of anti-psychotic drugs as he was seen as especially dangerous (Bennett Report, 2003, P: 10), a view that may have been linked to Bennetts physical appearance. Ultimately, this combination of drugs was de scribed as troubling (Bennett Report, 2003, P: 26) by the inquiry, even if it could not be directly linked to Bennetts death Sandhu (2007) argue that many people from BME backgrounds complain that mental health services focus primarily on medication maintenance and control therefore; appropriate chances for recovery are limited. The diagnosis applied to the black patients were, however, significantly different from those applied to the white patients. A research by Littlewood and cross (1980, p: 121) found that stereotyped attitudes led to assumptions that ECT is suitable for black patients than white patients. Blackness and madness plus dangerousness. 220 In addition to that, black patients are dealt with impartially in the psychiatric units, their level of dangerousness is assessed objectively on the basis of information provided and likelihood of mental illness based on history. Bennett was a very athletic young man, staffs were frightened of him. These misconceptions about black people that have also become embedded in mental health practices often combine to influence the way in which mental health services assess and respond to the needs of black people. Restraints Brammer (2007, P: 467) is of the view that there is evidence that practice race is considered an index for dangerousness in mental health field. Staff working with Bennett perceived his race as dangerousness, and so the staff had to use too much force to restrain him, by pinning him down for long when they should not have done so. To some sources; it is a serious failure of training that no time limits were given for the restraint of a person in a prone position, but to others its racism. Fernando (2002) the dangerousness of a BME patient is determined by racial stereotypes of black people while other factors are ignored. This is institutional racism, how can race determine dangerousness of patients. Fernando (2002) further highlights that the power of people working in mental health provide cover for racism to operate unchallenged. This denial of racism is common within organisations where it can be found. Collier (1999) suggests that: The oddest thing about institutional racism is the blindness of the perpetrators. In a racist organisation outrageous thoughts and behaviours are acceptable and all apparently without questioning.worse still the victims are caught too as they seem paralysed, unable or unwilling to protest in case they suffer more. Admissions 320 One way in which institutional racism manifests itself is the over-representation of BME in compulsory admission in psychiatric units. The count me in the census for England and Wales showed higher rates of admission for mental illness and more adverse pathways to care for some BME groups and led to accusations of institutional racism within psychiatry. The keys issues identified in the Bennett report are common to discussion around BME communities and mental health, namely the high levels of compulsory detention. As Patel and Heginbotham (2007, p: 367) write: Either there is an epidemic of mental illness among certain Black groups or there are seriously worrying practices that are leading to disproportionate levels of admission. A large number of people from ethnic minority are particularly likely to be detained under section 136 Mental Health Act 1983, and there are a large number of young Afro-Caribbean males admitted under compulsory detention into psychiatric hospitals. Nearly half of these numbers were referred by the police, courts of law, social workers and GPs (Browne 1997). By 1990s, studies reported that African Caribbean males were over-represented among those formally detained in acute in patients units, and they were also up to 3 times more likely to be sectioned than their white counterparts. This supports the view that institutional racism is popular in mental health units. However, the decision to detain a patient is necessarily preceded by patients refusal to accept help on a voluntary basis. This is because some groups of people refuse help from psychiatric services and sometimes are non- compliant. Therefore, interpreting institutional racism as the main explanation for the excess of deten tions among ethnic minorities adds little to debate and prevents the search for real causes of these differences. Cultural needs. 470 Institutional racism is about how organisations acknowledge the diversity of their client base and meet their cultural needs. The Bennett Report provided a number of examples of how these needs were not met with Bennett. For example, Dr Stanley also said that Bennett did not wear dreadlocks and yet she knew he was Rastafarian, and in most cases his religious beliefs and cultural were not mentioned through his meetings with different consultants. Staff within the system failed to understand that ignorance or thoughtlessness can lead to a form of institutional racism just as damaging as overt deliberate racism therefore; one fits with the Macpherson definition of inquiry. Further more, there is a wide-spread perception that mental health services do not have sufficient understanding of the complex and diverse religious, cultural and traditional needs of BME people and that this constitutes institutional racism as defined by Macpherson report. Dr Feggetter noted that Bennetts cultural needs were not addressed, but patients were treated as human beings. There is a need to treat each person as an individual rather than a group. Fernando (1986) shows how the effects of racism can result in depression through experience of rejection, loss and hopelessness. It may also create a bias to depression through a feeling of hopelessness and inability to exercise any control over external forces. Racial discrimination is an obvious cause of stress in the lives of people from the ethnic communities, however, any policies and practices measures to address the diverse needs of BME groups including appropriately sensitive environments taking into account patients dieta ry, religious and cultural backgrounds. Sewell (2009) differences in culture whatever it is, may lead to real differences in understanding and communication of certain experiences. It is vital to remember that there are some people within a BME group who may adhere to their cultural practices while others may not. Racial harassments The report argued that Bennetts racial, cultural or social needs were not met within the mental health system and that it failed to protect him from what were at times high levels of racial abuse from other patients. Racial harassment is a serious problem, and it is important that service providers should have clear policies and procedures to deal with inter-patients racial harassment. The report stated that staff within the system failed to understand that ignorance or thoughtlessness can develop a form of institutional racism just as damaging as overt deliberate racism. Another telling point in the report that can be seen as evidence of institutional racism is the finding that Bennett was a man who was treated at times with a degree of intolerance and at times as if he were a nuisance who had to be contained (Bennett Report 2003, P:12). In the events leading up to Bennetts death, staff failed to adequately address the sustained racial abuse that Bennett received from another patien t and also apparently ignored Bennetts complaints that he was a black man trying to cope in a white environment. Bennett was bound to feel acutely sensitive and particularly if their perception is that no action may be taken to prevent racist abuse. What is relevant here is the point that institutional racism does not have to involve direct racism by staff or members of an organisation it can equally stem from an organisational failure to address racism that might come from other service users or clients. Criticism of the theme In this section will look at the impact of institutional racism on the service user: This accusation of racism as an explanation for these findings is not productive, as It leads to several damaging consequences for the profession, ethnic minority groups and most crucially for ethnic minority patients. It is the psychiatry organisation which is discriminatory but not individual psychiatrists. Therefore, we must focus on the underlying reasons whatever those are, and try to understand the multifunctional interrelated issues which lead to the cited high admissions and detention rates for some groups in society. The different rates might also be a consequence of discrimination and racism that ethnic minority people face in Britain. It would not be surprising if the multiple victimisation that some are subjected to, led to mental distress (Hudson 1992, 4-5). Thompson (2006, P: 80) asserts that BME people become mentally ill as a result of the systematic erosion of their capacity to deal with multiple oppression. This explains why BME patients in psychiatric units become violent in the psychiatric units than when they were admitted. When we look at the case of Bennett racial abuses from other patients and control agitated him. Institutional racism acts like a self fulfilling prophecy by contributing to mistrust of services by ethnic minorities, thereby leading to delayed help seeking with increased use of detention and coercive treatments for ethnic minority patients. BMH (2009) agree that new horizons offers the opportunity to ensure that the failures highlighted within the Bennett inquiry report are taken forward and addressed through this new strategy. It goes onto suggest that there must be moves away from the medical model and admitting a disproportionate number of black patients into secure psychiatric settings. The rights and health care needs of BME are less likely to be taken seriously than those of white clients. A key element of the governments response to the Bennett Report has been the development of the Delivering Race Equality in Mental Health Care (DRE) which aims to achieve equality and tackle discrimination for all BME mental health service users. Amongst the aims of DRE are: a reduction in fear of mental health services among BME communities; reduced rates of admission of BME people to psychiatric inpatient units; reduced rates of compulsory detention for BME service users; a more active role for BME communities and service users in training and development of mental health policy and; the provision of a mental health workforce and organisation capable of delivering appropriate and responsive mental health services to BME communities (DOH, 2005). DRE is a positive initiative and is clearly aimed at clearing out any forms of institutional racism within mental health services. Social work Looking at the implications of Bennett inquiry in relation to social work practice the key tools are to combat institutional racism within mental health services has to be the use of anti-discriminatory practice. This requires social workers to understand that discrimination and oppression are often central to the situations that they encounter (Davies 2003). Within the arena of mental health, anti-discriminatory practice entails moving out of an ethnocentric frame of reference and taking account of the fact that we live in a multi-ethnic society. On a wide level, justice, equality and participation are important concepts of anti-discriminatory practice (Davies 2003). The code of practice requires that people to whom the Act is applied should be given respect for their qualities and diverse backgrounds as individuals and be assured that account will be taken of their age, sex, gender, social ethnic cultural and religious backgrounds but that general assumptions will not be made on the basis of anyone of these characteristics (Ninth Biennial report1999-2001, p: 63). In mental health participation might involve service users in the planning, coordination and evaluation of services to provide opportunities for empowerment and to ensure that services are culturally appropriate and responsive. To use the mental health code of practice 08 participation principle that service user should be involved in planning, developing and reviewing their treatment. It was cited that professional working with Bennett did not involve him at all. Empowerment within mental health can also refer to ensuring that BME service users are able to access information about services and go on to receive such services. Ideas about working in partnership with service users are also important here referring back to the Bennett report, there was little in the way of working in partnership with Bennett during the time of his illness and little evidence of empowerment or anti-discriminatory practice to try and eliminate the elements of racism within service provision (Burke and Dalrymple, 2006). The GSCC Codes of Practice lay out ways in which both social workers and management can act to combat institutional racism. The codes for social workers state that they must use established processes and procedures to challenge and report dangerous, abusive, discriminatory or exploitative behaviour and practice (3.2 GSCC codes of practice) and also crucially in challenging institutional racism. they must not condone any unlawful or unjustifiable discrimination by service users, carers or colleagues. (5.6 GSCC codes of practice). Social care employers must also establish processes under which social workers can report dangerous, discriminatory or abusive behaviour and have methods to deal with these reports (4.2 GSCC codes of practice). Such processes were clearly lacking at the Norvic Clinic when Bennett was a patient and it is important that organisations have channels for staff at all levels to challenge any forms of racism by colleagues of service users. As indicated previously, social workers working with BME service users with mental illness need to have an understanding of cultural differences between this service user group and white people. They must also treat BME service users and white service users in the same way. For example a black man presenting with possible mental illness may be talking loudly common symptoms of mental illness. However if a professional simply sees an angry black man there may be an incorrect judgement that trouble or problems may follow and an inappropriate response might be the result. (Bennett Report 2003, P: 48). Practitioners need to examine their own attitudes and ask themselves whether their practice shows any evidence of indirect discrimination, however anti-discriminatory they may feel that they are as an individual. For example, do practitioners misinterpret cultural differences as mental health symptoms, do they believe there is a link between immigration and mental illness or could they be inherently racist and see some service users as posing more of a risk simply because they are not white?. The Bennett Report found that institutional racism existed within UK mental health services and there is still work required to eliminate this. Collier (1999) asserts, Institutional racism must be stamped out, but leaving it to individuals is not to be recommended. Mechanisms must be put in position to make the change corporatenothing less is unfair or unworkable This is the key point institutional racism is far bigger than the actions of a few individuals and beyond the remit of individuals to resolve. Tackling inherent institutional racism across a large organisation needs large scale change over a period of time. The recommendations of the Bennett Report have pointed the way forward and DRE looks to build on this. Change to attitudes towards BME service users must be driven from the top downwards and be embedded in all areas of the organisation. Advocate for service user who feels that they are wrongly detained in hospital under MHA1983, inappropriate use of power under MHA83 is a trap, for social workers to fall into if they are not sufficiently aware of diversity issues of psychiatry (Thompson 2006). I have learned that I should be able to challenge racism, and should always recognise and respect diversity when working with service users. I should endeavour to always reflect on my practice using own initiatives, involve service users and their families in formulating care plans, be able to work as a team member and continue to update myself in current guidelines, policies and procedures and more so, work in anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive manner. In conclusion; Institutional racism could possibly explain why BME higher prevalence within in-patient areas of the mental health service. On the other hand, it is clearly apparent that institutional racism is still at large, what is needed here is a re-assessment of the mental health service, including new coping strategies for individuals from BME and support community wide. The breakdown of stereotyping will be necessary for both the medical professional and the wider community. It is clear that staff in mental health units have in the past ignored cultural values of others.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Kohen Gene :: Biology Essays Research Papers

The Kohen Gene In a world where Jews have assimilated so much into other cultures, is it possible to trace the lineage of an elite group of Jewish men all the way back to a man who lived three-thousand and five-hundred years ago? According to Karl Skorecki, a scientist at the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, and Michael Hammer, a geneticist from the University of Arizona at Tuscan, the possibility is alive (1). In Jewish tradition, as written in the Hebrew Bible, the Children of Israel were split into three groups. The Kohanim (the singular is simply Kohen) were the priests. The first Kohen was Moses' brother, Aaron, and all Kohanim since then are said to be descendants of Aaron. The second group was the Levis, of which Moses himself was a part of, and the third group was compiled of the remaining eleven tribes (of which ten have said to be "lost"), simply called the Israelites. Since the Kohanim were the priests among the Jewish people, their duties were the holiest and most important. They were in charge of the sacrifices brought to the Temple, and thus had the most intimate relationship with God, aside from the prophets such as Moses. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E., and thus the secession of sacrificial offerings, the role of the priests became ceremonial. However, despite the fact that their strict duties do not apply today, all Kohanim, according to Jewish tradition, must still obey many commandments that pertain directly to them. The hope is that one day, a new Temple will be built, and their service will be required once again (1). According to Jewish tradition, the role of each individual (Kohen, Levi, or Israelite) is passed down patrilineally from father to son. In traditional and orthodox Judaism, a woman is known as "the daughter of a Levi" (if her father is a Levi) until she marries, and then she is "the wife of a Levi." So, the concept of a "kohen gene" can only pertain to Jewish men who have not converted into the faith (1). A gene is a sequence of DNA that is used by cells to create protein. It has all of the information needed to make a protein. It knows when to make these protein and where to begin and end. The functions of a cell are then carried out by the proteins.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Meat Eaters vs Vegetarians

Universidad del Sagrado Corazon San Juan, Puerto Rico Argumentative Essay Vicente R. Rivera Velez Jean G. Piwinski English-114 Section 6 Professor Milagros A. Rodriguez November 10, 2011 Meat eaters vs. Vegetarians If you have to choose between meat eaters and vegetarians, which side would you select? Personally we understand that vegetarian’s people eat healthier than the meat eaters but even doe, we consider our self meat eaters. Meat eaters and vegetarians are extremely different in terms of flavor and health. We are meat eaters because of its taste and flavors.Meats have more flavors than vegetables; this is because meats contains juices and are cook with different spices that have strong flavors. Some of these flavors are parsley, basil, garlic, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce etc. We are not telling that vegetarians don’t eat flavored food but the reality is that meat has lots of more flavors. In terms of taste, it depends on each people for example; vegetarian s will say that their food taste better and the same with the meat eaters. But we look for information from the experts and Dr.Robert Madda in his internet page title â€Å"Meat & Vegetables on the HCG Diet† certifies that our statement it’s true, meat has more flavors and taste better. The vegetarians eat healthier because of meat having saturated fat and high cholesterol. Meat eaters have more risk of having diseases and health problems such as heart attack or stroke from the vegetarians. Some studies show that vegetarians have less opportunities of having cancer. Meat can stay in your body up to 7 years and vegetable can be easy eliminated from the body. Some vegetarians are vegetarians because they are animal activist.Animal activist are those people that have compassion and want to end the mistreating and the cruelty of the animals. Some meats are not healthy because some suppliers inject chemicals and preservative so it could last longer. Vegetarians also have so me health risk because chicken and fish have many different bacteria. Some studies tell that they have more bacteria than a toilet. Salmonella is a popular bacterium that you can find in chicken and fish. Salmonella is a bacterium that attacks intestine and blood stream. Some examples of its effects are diarrhea, fever and give you intense pain.Salmonella is not a deadly disease but you will feel like if you where going to die due to the huge pain. When it comes to food there is going to be always some problem because a bacterium, cholesterol, fats etc. As known meat eaters and vegetarians have typical foods. Meat eaters like every type of meat here are some example of different types of meats; steaks, cheeseburger, t-bone, fried steak, ham, pork, bacon, ribs, prime rib, lamb, veal etc. Meat eater usually like to have nest to the meat as a side order mash potatoes, baked potatoes, rice and beans, pasta and some times vegetables and salad.Our favorite plate would be a nice steak with baked potatoes, specifically a filet mignon there is nothing better. Vegetarian people also eat great food for example; they eat fish like red snapper, maji maji, grouper, tilapia, salmon etc. Also they eat chicken, salads and vegetables; for the vegetarian people a familiar plate that they eat is baked chicken with caesar salad. This vegetarian diet is very strict a difficult to follow. Recently vegetarian population is growing, a few years ago only 3. 2% of the population was on the vegetarian diet. Today according to vegetariantimes. om 10% of the American populations are vegetarian. But a study show that 5. 2 % of the population are interested in the vegetarian diet. A 59% of the vegetarian populations are woman and the average age of vegetarian people is 30. In the other side meat eaters are better known as carnivore. Carnivore is the same as meat eaters and this term is also used in animals. For example we can say that the lion is a carnivore animal. This means that when you are carnivore you depend mainly of the meat diet. Meat eaters also have can find diseases in the food. High blood pressure, diabetes, obesity etc. re some examples of diseases. We as carnivores recommend to all the others meat eaters that these diseases are not a joke and they should do go to the doctor at least twice in a year. But a the same time eating meat give you high quality proteins an it also require all the amino acid that your body needs. Meat contains high iron compare to plant and vegetable. It’s recommended to eat meat but in moderated quantities, also you should avoid eating bacon and salami because they are very high in fats. In conclusion meat eaters and vegetarians are extremely different.We can say that they taste different and have different flavor. The meat is the tastiest but the vegetarians are healthier. We are meat eaters because our island is full with flavors and we love to eat great food with great flavor. As meat eaters we respect the entire veget arian community and we understand the reason of being one. At the same time we think that everyone needs to have at least a minor portion of meat because all the proteins and the iron that you will not find in a vegetarian plate. For us there is nothing like a huge plate of meat after work or after doing sport to recharge all the batteries.References Benefits Of Eating Meat. (n. d. ). Sikh Philosophy Network. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://www. sikhphilosophy. net/sikh-youth/14321-benefits-of-eating-meat. html Meat Eaters Vs. Vegetarians | Healthmad. (n. d. ). Healthmad. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://healthmad. com/health/meat-eaters-vs-vegetarians/ Smith, B. (n. d. ). What Is Salmonella And What Are Its Effects? | InjuryBoard Atlanta. Injury Board Atlanta | Georgia Personal Injury Attorney. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://atlanta. injuryboard. om/defective-and-dangerous-products/what-is-salmonella-and-what-are-its-effects. aspx? googleid=212314 What is th e Difference Between Meat Eaters VS Vegetarians? | Health Related Articles. (n. d. ). Health Related Articles | Everything you want to know about your Health. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://www. healthforworld. com/what-is-the-difference-between-meat-eaters-vs-vegetarians life. , t. w. (n. d. ). Vegetarian vs Meat eaters Vegetarianism In America . Vegetarian Times – Great Food, Good Health, Smart Living. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://www. vegetariantimes. com/features

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Delivering five hours

Utilizing the variety of office equipment as a means of facilitating the organization of the department. Participating in workshops to improve my ability to maintain the highest level of professionalism within the organization. Delivering five hours of instruction and spending three additional hours on performing research and implementing preparation methods to help officials gain a better understanding of the language. New Neighbors Education Center Alexandria, VA From: Oct. 2007 – Mar. 2008 Position: Executive AssistantMaintained files, updated company’s website and database, and proofread correspondence; created electronic file system with a simplified interface and ease of access; assisted the Director and members of Board in the performance of daily tasks. Managed the major donors’ mailing list, the drafting and issuing of thank you letters and the conduction of research for program development. Supervised office assistants, including those working to perfor m the duties of mailing, database entry, payroll, supply orders, budgeting and other financial tasks U. S.Department of State National Foreign Affairs Training Center Arlington, VA From: Jan 2006 – Sept 2007 Position: Culture Instructor and Curriculum Developer Trained U. S. Foreign Service embassy personnel in the areas of language and culture; personnel included ambassadors and other United States officials assigned to Albania, Macedonia, and Kosovo. Developed strategic methods for teaching language and culture for augmentation of the existing curriculum Berlitz Language Services Vienna, VA From: Jan 2003 – Dec 2005 Position: Administrative Assistant/Sales AgentRepresented Berlitz Language Services as a salesperson at organized conferences, meetings with clients for the purpose of developing marketing and short-term and/or long-term language program promotional deals; managed a front office and administered secretarial support to the Director and sales staff Paulâ₠¬â„¢s Wholesale Co. Washington DC From: Jan 2001 – Dec 2002 Position: Administrative Assistant Managed the processing, filing, shipping and follow-up procedures connected with customers’ orders, maintaining an effective administrative system. International Rescue Committee (IRC)Shkoder, Albania From: Sept 1999 – Nov 2000 Position: Office Manager Monitored IRC projects of rehabilitated refugee impacted sites and services, ensuring their availability and readiness to handle the many Kosovo refugees. Facilitated and mediated numerous meetings and workshops with the Mayor’s office, community leaders, NGOs and other entities involved in political, social or humanitarian projects. Worked closely with refugee organizations to obtain a list of hosts from contacts in foreign NGOs in Albania, allowing for the timely completion of the $500 thousand rehabilitation project.Managed the daily office tasks; monitored and coordinated project procurement and logistics; coo rdinated and conducted interviewing and hiring of personnel. ECOM / MALTESER Shkoder, Albania From: Nov 1998 – Aug 1999 Position: Administrative Assistant Assisted and supported Kosovo refugees in Albania, resulting in a smooth transition of the refugees to their own country; administered the logistics and distribution of medication and other matter to minister to the needs of the refugees. Provided interpretive services and assisted in refugee cases that needed immediate attention. Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) May 1998 – Nov 1998Tirana, Albania Assistant to the Director, Secretary, and Logistician Managed a busy office schedule, which extended to the coordination of travel logistics; conducted trainings in particular fields of expertise; formulated data collection instruments, such as surveys and questionnaires, to facilitate research into many aspects of the political situation of the region Aided the efforts of a team dedicated to reviewing laws an d advising local Albanian government entities concerning humanitarian activities; provided support and research information for weekly security briefings on the latest developments in the country and the neighboring ones.REFERENCES: Supervisors may be contacted and other professional references are available upon request KSA’S: PROGRAM ANALYST/PROGRAM SPECIALIST/CONTRACT SPECIALIST Knowledge My graduate level training in Government, Law and Public Policy has given me a vast array of theoretical knowledge concerning the legal and functional aspects of the government and its policies. My knowledge and experience has also extended to the area of performing legal research in foreign countries and the administration of duties related to the management of refugees.Having had several years of experience as an assistant to the director and other executives, I have garnered comprehensive knowledge of the areas of business administration concerned with budgeting and logistics. I have a lso been exposed to the formulation of research instruments such as questionnaires and surveys that have aided in the collection of citizen data. I am also thoroughly familiar with Albanian language and culture, having served for more than two years within three humanitarian organizations in Albania.I understand the methods connected with training high officials in the use of language and the understanding of culture within foreign countries. I also have knowledge of the procedures and practices connected with operation within Federal Offices of the United States Government. This includes an understanding of the emergency management procedures necessary in times of disaster or distress. Finally, I have technical knowledge of several computer applications used for word processing, graphic manipulation, data entry, and data mining.Skills My administrative skills have been demonstrated by the many administrative positions I have held. They have been utilized during the period I spent i n Albania, when I was in charge of performing essential office duties, as well as procurement and other logistic procedures. I am also highly skilled in the use of both English and Albanian. In Shkoder, Albania, I demonstrated the skill of monitoring IRC projects, which were instituted for the proper handling of the onslaught of Kosovo refugees.I am also skilled in mediation with government and other official organizations within foreign countries, as I was in charge of facilitating a number of meetings among the Mayor’s office, NGO’s and leaders within the community. I have also acted as an interpreter between Kosovo refugees and Albanian/American personnel, and I have been exposed to the performance and translation of legal research in the Albanian environment. Furthermore, I have worked within the U. S. Department of State National Foreign Affairs Training Center, gaining hands-on experience teaching the language and culture of Albania to the American personnel.I ha ve also had experience and the chance to portray skill in conducting administrative business in the private sector. Abilities As a person who has been exposed to business administration and communication at the diplomatic level, I have the ability to communicate well with government officials and other members of staff within any organization. I am able to perform duties related to human resource management and development, as I have trained high level officials in the proper performance of their duties in the Albanian environment.I work very well under pressure, as has been exemplified by my performance to a high level of effectiveness in the political climate of Eastern Europe. I am also well able to perform the administrative functions related to program analysis, as I am adept in the handling of file maintenance (including electronic files), website/database updating, payroll, and mailings. I am also able to draft correspondence, manage budgets and perform the duties related to procurement and supply/inventory management.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Spot and Deal with Horrible Bosses

How to Spot and Deal with Horrible Bosses Even if you’re happy with your position and your place of work, having problems with your boss can really make your life miserable. Some bosses just have a bad work ethic or unreasonable expectations of you. The most awful ones might have hair-trigger tempers, be cruel and demeaning, or even worse. Looking out for the warning signs that you might have one of these horrible bosses may help you deal with or even slip out of a bad situation before it’s too late. 1. Remain on alert during the interview.The ideal way to deal with a bad boss is to never work for him or her in the first place. This requires you to pay attention to red flags during your job interview. Potential bosses reveal much about their personalities during interviews- even though you’re the one who’s being questioned. If she arrives to the interview late, spends more time staring at his phone than engaging with you, or is unprepared or insulting, you can expect a lot of the same behavior on the job. Some workers have no problem dealing with such unprofessionalism, but if you don’t want to deal with it, say â€Å"thanks, but no thanks† to this job opportunity.2.  Look out for issues on the job.Some issues won’t arise until you’re actually working with your boss. These problems may involve a boss who is never there when you need him or one who’s constantly breathing down your neck. He may have problems with dishonesty, which can even involve taking credit for your work. She may expect you to work late, and in worst-case scenarios, only let you know this when you already have one foot out the door. He may not be willing to admit to his mistakes and might even throw you under the bus to deflect blame from himself.One or two of these issues is almost to be expected- after all, bosses are fallible humans as we all are. But when issue piles upon issue, it might be time to seek employment with a boss who isn’t so horrible.3. Believe it when you see impossible-to-miss issues.Sometimes bad boss behavior can be pretty subtle. Other times, it’s more like a slap in the face. Racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive behavior from a boss is impossible to ignore and a clear sign that your boss is utterly horrible. There is no reason you should have to deal with such behavior- you do not have to be a trooper and keep your mouth shut if you are being mistreated. Filing a complaint with HR is definitely in order under such circumstances. Bosses who are verbally or physically abusive or invade your personal space or sexually harass you should be reported to HR, OSHA, or even the police.4. Listen to your body.Your boss’s horribleness is not just detectable in his or her behavior. Your own body may also send you a warning. Does the idea of having to deal with her another day put a knot in your stomach or an ache in your skull? Are you losing sleep because you cannot stop thinking about how your boss c hews you out every day? Does your heart pound as you walk into the office because you know your boss is either lying in wait for you or off who-knows-where while you’re left to deal with everything? Well, then your body may be sending you a clear message: get out- your boss is horrible.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Internet Impact on Business Essays

Internet Impact on Business Essays Internet Impact on Business Essay Internet Impact on Business Essay Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: Internet Impact on Business The invention of the internet has revolutionized the human civilization in all aspects including culture, perception and even the corporate sector. Particularly, the internet has greatly facilitated globalization in the corporate realm since the business operation is not bound by government policies such as taxes and duties that mainly characterize business in the physical realm. It now evidenced that all of the major companies worldwide are internet companies. This means that these companies have websites of the own where business can be conducted across the globe as long as one can afford internet connection. The inception of the internet influenced the global market through the introduction of E-commerce. Electronic commerce is whereby business entities get to conduct their business communication and transaction through the internet. In this way, the company communicates with its various stakeholders through the utilization of the interchange of electronic data for the facilitation of completing transactions. Business entities are now able to conduct entire transactions online whereby the consumer does not have to visit the premises for purchase. The firms display their commodities in the web pages whereby potential consumers can view freely, payments are also facilitated through internet facilities such as Paypal and commodity is shipped to the consumer. Airplanes companies have also adopted E-commerce whereby passengers get to book and pay for their tickets online. The internet has also led to the availability of low priced commodities due to competition and its ability to minimize costs across the companies’ supply and demand chains. Retail stores no longer need to open up new stores in order to explore new global markets. The customers in these new markets only need to access the commodities sold by the retail stores and the necessary purchases can then be made. This means that the company does not necessarily have to incur additional costs such as the acquisition and setting up of premises, hiring of new staff and the like. The above costs that are forgone by the business entities are availed to the consumers in terms of discounts and reduced prices. The utilization of the internet has also enabled the multinational business entities to overcome some of the trade barriers imposed by some of the nations. Globalization is seen as killer to small-scale local companies. In the process, states usually impose stringent legal barriers for foreign companies in the effort of protecting the local companies. However, through the internet, foreign companies are able to override these stringent barriers and avail to the consumer competitive products. On the other hand, the internet also tends to create a level playing field for all the business entities irrespective of their size or origin. When customers are perusing through commodities in the internet, their focus is primarily on the quality of the product and its price as opposed to the supplier. In the process, the business entities that get to offer products at the most competitive prices usually make the sales. However, the use of the internet especially in conducting has raised securit y and confidentiality concerns. This has also created an extra expense in the form of putting up security efforts to ensure transactions are and secure.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ancient Dancing Girl of Mohenjo-Daro

Ancient Dancing Girl of Mohenjo-Daro The Dancing Girl of Mohenjo-Daro is what generations of besotted archaeologists have named a 10.8 centimeter (4.25 inch) tall copper-bronze statuette found in the ruins of Mohenjo Daro. That city is one of the most important sites of the Indus Civilization, or more accurately, the Harappan Civilization (2600-1900 BC) of Pakistan and northwestern India. The Dancing Girl figurine was sculpted using the lost wax (cire perdue) process, which involves making a mold and pouring molten metal into it. Made about 2500 BC, the statuette was found in the remains of a small house in the southwestern quarter of Mohenjo Daro by Indian archaeologist D. R. Sahni [1879-1939] during his 1926-1927 field season at the site. The Dancing Girl Figurine The figurine is a naturalistic free-standing sculpture of a nude woman, with small breasts, narrow hips, long legs and arms, and a short torso; her genitals are explicit. She wears a stack of 25 bangles on her left arm. She has very long legs and arms compared to her torso; her head is tilted slightly backward and her left leg is bent at the knee. On her right arm are four bangles, two at the wrist, two above the elbow; that arm is bent at the elbow, with her hand on her hip. She wears a necklace with three large pendants, and her hair is in a loose bun, twisted in a spiral fashion and pinned in place at the back of her head. Some scholars suggest that the Dancing Girl statuette is a portrait of a real woman. Individuality of the Dancing Girl Although there have been literally thousands of figurines recovered from Harappan sites, including over 2,500 at Harappa alone, the vast majority of figurines are terracotta, made from fired clay. Only a handful of Harappan figurines are carved from stone (such as the famous priest-king figure) or, like the dancing lady, of lost-wax copper bronze. Figurines are an elaborate class of representational artifact found in many ancient and modern human societies. Human and animal figurines can give insight into concepts of sex, gender, sexuality and other aspects of social identity. That insight is important for us today because many ancient societies left no decipherable written language. Although the Harappans had a written language, no modern scholar has been able to decipher the Indus Script to date. Metallurgy and the Indus Civilization A recent survey of the use of copper-based metals used in Indus civilization sites (Hoffman and Miller 2014) found that most of the classic Harappan aged objects made of copper-bronze are vessels (jars, pots, bowls, dishes, pans, scale pans) formed from sheet copper; tools (blades from sheet copper; chisels, pointed tools, axes and adzes) manufactured by casting; and ornaments (bangles, rings, beads, and decorative-headed pins) by casting. Hoffman and Miller found that copper mirrors, figurines, tablets, and tokens are relatively rare compared to these other artifact types. There are many more stone and ceramic tablets than those made of copper-based bronze. The Harappans made their bronze artifacts using a variety of blends, alloys of copper with tin and arsenic, and varying lesser amounts of zinc, lead, sulfur, iron, and nickel. Adding zinc to copper makes an object brass rather than bronze, and some of the earliest brasses on our planet were created by the Harappans. Researchers Park and Shinde (2014) suggest that the variety of blends used in different products was the result of fabrication requirements and the fact that pre-alloyed and pure copper was traded into the Harappan cities rather than produced there. The lost wax method used by Harappan metallurgists involved first carving the object out of wax, then covering it in wet clay. Once the clay was dried, holes were bored into the mold and the mold was heated, melting the wax. The empty mold was then filled with a melted mixture of copper and tin. After that cooled, the mold was broken, revealing the copper-bronze object. Sex and the Dancing Girl Most of the images of women from Harappan-period sites are from hand-modeled terracotta, and they are primarily curvaceous mother goddesses. Many of them have explicit sexual organs and navels, heavy breasts and broad hips; most wear a fan-shaped headdress. Male figurines appear later than the female ones, with early male motifs represented by male animals- bulls, elephants, unicorns- with explicit genitals. The dancing girl is unusual in that although her genitals are explicit she isnt particularly voluptuous- and she is not hand-modeled, she was created using a mold. American archaeologist Sharri Clark suggests that the process of making hand-modeled terracotta images was ritually or symbolically meaningful to the maker, that the manufacturing of the figurines was as important or perhaps more important than the figurine itself. It is possible, then, that the manufacturing technique chosen by the maker of the Dancing Girl had some specific meaning that we dont have access to. Possible African Origins The ethnicity of the woman depicted in the figure has been a somewhat controversial subject over the years since the figurine was discovered. Several scholars such as ECL During Casper have suggested that the lady looks African. Recent evidence for Bronze Age trade contact with Africa has been found at Chanhu-Dara, another Harappan Bronze Age site, in the form of pearl millet, which was domesticated in Africa about 5,000 years ago. There is also at least one burial of an African woman at Chanhu-Dara, and it is not impossible that the Dancing Girl was a portrait of a woman from Africa. However, the figurines hairdressing is a style worn by Indian women today and in the past, and her armful of bangles is similar to a style worn by contemporary Kutchi Rabari tribal women. British Archaeologist Mortimer Wheeler, one of many scholars besotted by the statuette, recognized her as a woman from the Baluchi region. Sources Clark SR. 2003. Representing the Indus Body: Sex, Gender, Sexuality, and the Anthropomorphic Terracotta Figurines from Harappa. Asian Perspectives 42(2):304-328. Clark SR. 2009. Material Matters: Representation and Materiality of the Harappan Body. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 16:231–261. Craddock PT. 2015. The metal casting traditions of South Asia: Continuity and innovation. Indian Journal of History of Science 50(1):55-82. During Caspers ECL. 1987. Was the dancing girl from Mohenjo-daro a Nubian? Annali, Instituto Oriental di Napoli 47(1):99-105. Hoffman BC, and Miller HM-L. 2014. Production and Consumption of Copper-Base Metals in the Indus Civilization. In: Roberts BW, and Thornton CP, editors. Archaeometallurgy in Global Perspective: Methods and Syntheses. New York, NY: Springer New York. p 697-727. Kennedy KAR, and Possehl GL. 2012. Were There Commercial Communications between Prehistoric Harappans and African Populations? Advances in Anthropology 2(4):169-180. Park J-S, and Shinde V. 2014. Characterization and comparison of the copper-base metallurgy of the Harappan sites at Farmana in Haryana and Kuntasi in Gujarat, India. Journal of Archaeological Science 50:126-138. Possehl GL. 2002. The Indus Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective. Walnut Creek, California: Altamira Press. Sharma M, Gupta I, and Jha PN. 2016. From Caves to Miniatures: Portrayal of Woman in Early Indian Paintings. Chitrolekha International Magazine on Art and Design 6(1):22-42. Shinde V, and Willis RJ. 2014. A New Type of Inscribed Copper Plate from Indus Valley (Harappan) Civilisation. Ancient Asia 5(1):1-10. Sinopoli CM. 2006. Gender and archaeology in south and southwest Asia. In: Milledge Nelson S, editor. Handbook of Gender in Archaeology. Lanham, Maryland: Altamira Press. p 667-690. Srinivasan S. 2016. Metallurgy of zinc, high-tin bronze and gold in Indian antiquity: Methodological aspects. Indian Journal of History of Science 51(1):22-32.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Comparison and contrast of two photos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparison and contrast of two photos - Essay Example As Susan Sontag put it, a photograph is both a pseudo-presence and taken by absence (Abbott 37). This just augments the fact that photographs serve a far greater role than the preservation of the authentic feel of the moment. This fact can sufficiently be highlighted through an analysis of two photos taken at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito, Ecuador. The first picture shows two boys sitting on the floor while resting their backs against the wall. It is undoubtedly daytime as shown by the relatively bright natural light coming in through the window. The first boy has his arms crossed, with a large hot-pink luggage bag between his legs. The other boy is hurdled up at the nearing corner, with a large black bag in front of him. He is resting his hand on the window stool, and slightly extending it to his chin. A reflection of his face can be seen next to the large glass window adjacent to him. A short distance in front of him there is another striped luggage bag, but this is slightly smaller than the first two. The boys are both looking in the same direction, most likely having spotted something of mutual interest to both of them. In this case, they were apparently looking at three uniformed ladies walking across the hall-way. Moreover, both of them are just wearing regular clothes. They are both wearing t-shirts, with denim pants. T heir regular choice of clothing and choice of seating shows that they are there casually, or in a casual mood. In addition, their choice of seating, the floor, can be taken to mean that they had waited for quite a long time and were tired, or there weren’t any seating spaces remaining. The second picture also shows a waiting area, with the prominent point of focus being a smiling gentleman and a dog. The gentleman is smiling heartily, supposedly as a result of the dog having accepted a piece of bread from him. The dog is a customs dog, with an identification vest across its back. As opposed to the

Friday, October 18, 2019

How can cities become more sustainable Compare and contrast cities in Essay

How can cities become more sustainable Compare and contrast cities in the developed world and cities in the developing world - Essay Example The world population also grows drastically, that needs to be catered for in terms of sustainable living measures. Nevertheless, promotion of sustainable development efforts via improvement of economical and social conditions is no longer meeting the required ends. The recent years have seen the academicians, industrial developers, researchers, and scholars develop a global concern, and finding ways that would be ample to foster sustainability of worldwide cities to no avail. This is partially contributed to by the contrasting features and characteristics of cities in the developed world and those in the developing world. Cities in the developing world are not able to operate and enhance their survival in the standards of cities in the developed world (Mazmanian and Kraft 232). The discussion in this paper establishes various ways in which cities can become sustainable. Comparison and contrast of the status of cities in the developed and the developing world is also presented. 2.0 En hancing cities’ sustainability A cluster of methodologies is available that can be effectively utilized to foster cities’ sustainability. ... Additionally, vibrant mixed-utilization of high-density national centers and societies development should be duly enabled, the result of which would be creating room for ample choices of transportation, sense of belonging and fostering public automobiles in place of private entities. Protection of regional agriculture and projects as well as wildlife ecology and cut-off points is promoted (United Nations Human Settlements Programme 126). The mobility realms improvement would act as a rationale to the enhancement of sustainability. Investments directed towards a quality establishment of infrastructure of public transit, and which is easily accessible should be emphasized on. Further, phone cell notifications from signage should be utilized in the improvement of mutual connectivity and enhancing rich sources of information. It is also important to build environment with new designs of buildings, landscaping strategies as the first priority towards sustainability of cities. This is a ma jor step towards ensuring the efficiency of resources in regard to its integration with options of mobility (Benfield, Para 5). The overall economy should be intervened in every state in the world, as a prerequisite to the development of sustainability. Unlimited support of businesses, both local as well as international, should be a key step, while local jobs at this point can be easily available to ensure new economy’s requirements containing fresh technologies and energy that is renewable. Moreover, decision-makers in the economy (local and international) need be ideally supported in order that they would adapt the upcoming energy supplies that are highly volatile, as well as to cope with rising

Alexander the great Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Alexander the great - Research Paper Example Alexander built himself a name and features as one of the greatest conquerors of his time. His ascent to the throne simply happened because of his father’s tragic assassination in the old capital of Macedon. Seeing this as an opportunity to expand his territory so that he could stop any rebellion from taking place since his father’s death, he swiftly re-strategized so that he could crush any revolting group within from causing havoc to his throne. He ensured, for instance, that he got rid of his internal enemies by assuring that they never moved anywhere further from prison. This was quite important for him in his conquest since it would give him ample time to wage war against the external enemies like Persia. Although he is believed to be one of the organizers of his father’s death, the truth is not quite known since no evidence proves so. If it may be true that Alexander the Great might have had a hand on the death of King Philip, then it would have been so und er mischief and sheer quest for power. Alexander can be said to be a military genius as judged by the kind of calculating move made before hitting at his opponent. It can be said to be one of the reasons why probably he succeeded in commanding a large army that helped him conquer and invade other states at a young age. His 13 years as an emperor were marked by the successive defeats of battles against his opponents. He toured places with an aim of expanding his territory. The first tactic he used was trying as much as possible to learn the weaknesses of his opponent. This is actually what he did to Persia. He first toured Persia, trying to know and understand its military strengths and weaknesses before finally making an attained (Abbott 67). Other than the fact that he was generally gifted in matters of politics, a number of factors made Alexander the Great very successful in his career as a ruler of the great nation, while at the same time he encountered several challenges, for ex ample, the persistent attacks from sections which had been captured initially earlier (like Greece); he was fighting for self rule just immediately after the death of his father, his spontaneous counter attacks made him victorious, driving the enemies away in a bid to scatter them so that they could become weak. This is what made him survive the many terrors of war that was awash in Macedon. His military domination did not just come by chance as most historians would argue; Alexander himself was a planner who had well trained army, equipped with all manner of ammunitions. It therefore was easy for him to fight without retreating. He ensured that he invested well in his army to avoid any form of dissatisfaction. They, therefore, went to war with a spirited motive of winning the battle, disregarding the size and the nature of their enemy and the challenges at hand. He strongly believed that he could capture Europe and the whole of Asia. Another factor that made him successful in battl e was the kind of high standards of discipline he set for himself and the entire army. For the entire period of his rule of the whole of Macedon, only once did he face the

Marxism Leninism and National Democratic Revolution in South Africa Article

Marxism Leninism and National Democratic Revolution in South Africa - Article Example But such examples are few and far in between. On the other hand, most of the democratic nations have been known to follow the rule of law, and if at any point of time, variations are noticed, the system provides enough rights to the citizens to take up the matter and bring the matter into the notice of appropriate authority. Youth is supposed to play a crucial role in the nation building. There are plenty of opportunities for the youth to grow in a democracy. While taking up professional positions in companies and organization, the young worker prepares a ground for the economic development. Similarly, when the youth takes up leadership skills in right perspective, the society is bound to benefit. The ideology propagated by Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) is known as Marxism or Scientific Socialism. Marxism calls for the equal opportunity to all young hands and the ideology firmly believes that the working class should never be oppressed for the well being of the state. Leninism, developed by the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin, is a dominant branch of Marxism. Lenin made the fullest use of the Marxism/ Leninism policies during the Bolshevik revolution. Handing over power back to the people, remained the mainstay of this Russian revolution. In South Africa the trail of struggle for democracy can be traced back to May 1910, when the two republics and the British colonies of the Cape and Natal formed the Union of South Africa, a self-governing dominion of the British Empire. But the country saw a long-troubled period. During these troubled times, the non-white majority of South Africans were denied basic rights of citizenship (Funke 2007). It was in 1997 when President Mandela signed the newly negotiated constitution that South Africa began to experience the real democracy.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ten Socio-Psychological Motivation that can be satisfide by a Tourist Research Paper

Ten Socio-Psychological Motivation that can be satisfide by a Tourist Visiting Fiji - Research Paper Example Tourists are motivated to travel because of different issues. This essay analyses the socio-psychological motivators that make tourists travel to their various destination. Our destination that we will focus on is the country of Fiji and we will indicate how each of these socio-psychological needs is satisfied in the country of Fiji with use of various pictures. 2.0 Republic of Fiji This is an island nation found in South Pacific Ocean. It is located in Melanesia. It is bordered by several countries like Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Tonga and Samoas. It covers an area of 194,000 square kilometres and a population of around 78,000. It is a country with several islands to be estimated to be more than 332 and only 106 are uninhabited. It has abundance of minerals forests and fish resources. One of the main sources of income of the country is tourism industry. It also enjoys a source of foreign exchange from sugar exports. Fiji is renown of its ability to build the finest vessels of pacific. It has four major divisions those are central, eastern, northern and western. They are further divided into 14 provinces (Wright, 1986, pp.6-24). 3.0 Tourism in Fiji Tourism is one of major sectors of an economy of countries that have the capability of and luck of participating in it. Fiji supports tourism industry and is thus growing at a faster rate in terms of the number of people employed in tourism industry of around 45000. It is a private driven sector and contributes approximately 25 percent of GDP of the country. It has several holiday opportunities, beautiful beaches and places that allow tropical romance. It has white sand, pristine reefs, lush rainforest and great accommodation facilities. Individuals have embraced diverse culture although they still preserve their indigenous customs. It has good established airline services like Air Pacific, Air Calin, Air New Zealand, Continental Airlines and several more airstrips (Wright, 1986, pp.6-24). They enjoy a variety of sports activities comprising of rugby, golf and several festivals. They are a mixture of Fijians, Chinese, Indians, colonial Europeans and other pacific islanders. They pra ctice their famous culture of fireworks. They have provided necessary transportation services like buses, cars, ferry services and helicopters for hire. Fiji has beautiful sites to host weddings and honeymoons. They also provide wedding packages. One of the colourful islands for tourists is Vanua Levi and Taveuni located in the northern part of Fiji (Derrick, 1951, pp.112-118). Other eye catching sites to see include Savusavu pearl farm and hot springs, Waisali nature reserve

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Car aerodynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Car aerodynamics - Essay Example An aerodynamic automobile is designed to streamline the wind, it does not have piercing edges that cross the wind stream above the windshield and have a type of tail, which is called a liftback or Kammback or fastback. Different automotive companies like the Volkswagen, Loremo and Aptera, try to reduce the tail area of their small vehicles like the 1-liter models. They are designed to have a smooth and flat floor for the Venturi effect to be supported and generate the desired downwards-aerodynamic energy. The wind entering the engine cove is used for combustion, passengers and cooling, and then it is re-injected by an outlet under the floor. Air is slowed and pressurized in a diffuser for rear and mid engines, it loses a little pressure while it is passed through the engine cove and is filled in the slipstream. A seal between the high pressure around the gearbox and low pressure area around the wheels is required by these cars. The suspension in these cars is either retracted or stre amlined and the engine cove floor is closed. Streamlined shape is given to the roof rails, antenna and door handle. A round fairing as a nose is given to side mirrors. Though racing cars need airflow through the wheel base for break cooling and a lot of air is emitted from the radiator into the wheel bay, it is said to cause increase in drag. â€Å"Most aerodynamic design work is actually done initially on a computer, then the design is checked and modified by placing a vehicle with that design in a wind tunnel† (Erjavec 158). Wind tunnel and computer modeling are used to analyze and study automotive aerodynamics. The tunnel is sometimes furnished with a rolling road to achieve most accurate results from a wind tunnel test. The rolling road is a movable floor like the floor of at treadmill and moves at a particular speed as the air flows in. This affects the results by preventing the formation of a boundary

Ten Socio-Psychological Motivation that can be satisfide by a Tourist Research Paper

Ten Socio-Psychological Motivation that can be satisfide by a Tourist Visiting Fiji - Research Paper Example Tourists are motivated to travel because of different issues. This essay analyses the socio-psychological motivators that make tourists travel to their various destination. Our destination that we will focus on is the country of Fiji and we will indicate how each of these socio-psychological needs is satisfied in the country of Fiji with use of various pictures. 2.0 Republic of Fiji This is an island nation found in South Pacific Ocean. It is located in Melanesia. It is bordered by several countries like Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Tonga and Samoas. It covers an area of 194,000 square kilometres and a population of around 78,000. It is a country with several islands to be estimated to be more than 332 and only 106 are uninhabited. It has abundance of minerals forests and fish resources. One of the main sources of income of the country is tourism industry. It also enjoys a source of foreign exchange from sugar exports. Fiji is renown of its ability to build the finest vessels of pacific. It has four major divisions those are central, eastern, northern and western. They are further divided into 14 provinces (Wright, 1986, pp.6-24). 3.0 Tourism in Fiji Tourism is one of major sectors of an economy of countries that have the capability of and luck of participating in it. Fiji supports tourism industry and is thus growing at a faster rate in terms of the number of people employed in tourism industry of around 45000. It is a private driven sector and contributes approximately 25 percent of GDP of the country. It has several holiday opportunities, beautiful beaches and places that allow tropical romance. It has white sand, pristine reefs, lush rainforest and great accommodation facilities. Individuals have embraced diverse culture although they still preserve their indigenous customs. It has good established airline services like Air Pacific, Air Calin, Air New Zealand, Continental Airlines and several more airstrips (Wright, 1986, pp.6-24). They enjoy a variety of sports activities comprising of rugby, golf and several festivals. They are a mixture of Fijians, Chinese, Indians, colonial Europeans and other pacific islanders. They pra ctice their famous culture of fireworks. They have provided necessary transportation services like buses, cars, ferry services and helicopters for hire. Fiji has beautiful sites to host weddings and honeymoons. They also provide wedding packages. One of the colourful islands for tourists is Vanua Levi and Taveuni located in the northern part of Fiji (Derrick, 1951, pp.112-118). Other eye catching sites to see include Savusavu pearl farm and hot springs, Waisali nature reserve

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Essay Example for Free

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Essay One of the great things about being a human is having the sexual desire to be intimate with another person. Many consider having the passion for sexuality is the driving force behind human behavior, but for some, this passion is non-existent. The purpose of this essay is to examine sexual dysfunction, particularly a disorder called Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). HSDD is the deficiency or the absence of sexual fantasies or the desire for sexual activity, which ultimately lead to distress or interpersonal difficulty amongst a person† (Maserejian et al. , 2010). Communication problems, anger, a lack of trust, connection and intimacy can all adversely affect a woman’s sexual response and interest (Burman 2001).† It is said sexual dysfunction is due to infrequent orgasms, low levels of arousal and sexual excitement (Basson 2006). In a relationship, it is normal behavior for women to engage in sex and to crave emotional closeness with their partner. In a study by Women’s Health across the Nation (SWAN), 6 cities in 6 countries were surveyed. It was found 40 percent of women reported they infrequently or never felt sexual desire (Basson 2006). It is evident there are many ways to look at the potential causes of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). Throughout this paper, the following sources will be conversed; specifically the psychosocial state, which refers to the mind’s capability to develop and interrelate with a social environment. Traumatic incidents and emotional issues are two factors that can also be linked to sexual dysfunctions throughout adulthood. Studies show child abuse is one of the biggest factors that lead up to sexual dysfunction in adulthood. This abuse can be linked to dysfunctions physically, emotionally and intellectually to oneself. Along with child abuse, depression and anxiety most often become the outcome of such act, which are other factors that lead up to HSDD. Today, HSDD is under thorough research to conclude more defined answers for this disorder. Nonetheless, the purpose of this paper is to examine Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) specifically the psychosocial causes such as anxiety, child abuse and depression. Having the lack of desire for intimacy can be caused by a person’s emotional state of mind. When a person has a negative view towards sex due to previous experiences, it heavily affects their outlook on sex in the long run. Anxiety occurs when a person is triggered by stress and those who are anxious usually â€Å"negative self-talk†, a habit of telling oneself the worst-case scenario. One who has HSDD feels a high form of anxiety towards sex due to insecurities or dysfunctions they feel anxious about. When one carries heavy anxiety towards sexuality and intimacy, it weakens their desire for sex. Self-esteem can be related to the development of anxiety. Moreover, traumatic incidents, sexual abuse and depression can also lead to the cause of HSDD. In a study done at a University at the Sexual Behavioral Clinics, several answers were found. In this case study, the sample size was 145 adults without sexual dysfunctions and 198 adults with sexual dysfunctions. All of these individuals were married heterosexual couples between the ages of 25-68 years of age (McCabe 2005). Researchers were able to categorize adults with sexual dysfunction into six groupings, these include: premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, male lack sexual desire, female inorgasmia, female lack of arousal, and female lack of sexual desire (McCabe 2005). Researchers hypothesize coital anxiety is the main result of sexual dysfunction with their partners. It is believed anxiety causes a damper on most spouses’ relationships due to constant fear on inability to perform sexually, which inevitably causes tension between couples due to anxiety (McCabe 2005). Throughout this study, it was also found that anxiety created depressive symptoms between sexuall y dysfunctional adults. A potential effect for the depressive symptoms lead to less satisfying sexual activities with a partner, causing individuals to turn to a more reliable way of pleasure, masturbation (McCabe 2005). All in all, high levels of anxiety can affect the intimacy of a relationship. More specifically, the constant fear focused on the inability to perform sexually or fear caused by past events causes strong tension between couples, which allows anxiety to grow. There is always room for research and McCabe (2005) believes more investigation on the effects of anxiety and HSDD can be done in order to fully understand the disorder. The events that take place during childhood inevitably shape a person in adulthood. One of the main causes for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder can be linked to a previous history of child abuse. Traumatic experiences as a child can strongly affect the psychosocial development of an individual. According to Webster Dictionary, Psychosocial is the relation between social conditions and mental health (Webster). Traumatic events during childhood can lead to a dysfunction called sexual desire disorder. Flashbacks of the event in childhood can occur for several years and continuously stay with the individual long term. A sexual desire disorder can frighten an individual in having any desire to be intimate or sexually active with anyone. A study conducted by Myriam S Denov (2004) examines individuals who were previous victims of sexual abuse as a child. This study involves a sample size of 14 victims, 7 male and 7 female. However, this sample size could potentially pose a threat to the external validity of this study because it represents individuals would only face female-perpetrated sexual abuse. The data was collected by several questions and interviews throughout a six-month period. Victims were consulted before screening in order to find the most precise answers. The aim of the study displays the long-term negative effects these victims carried after their traumatic experiences. Denov (2004) found that victims of childhood abuse were in less satisfying relationships with their partner sexually and emotionally. Respondents also reported long-term difficulties with substance abuse, self-injury, depression, strained relationships with partners and discomfort with sex (Denov 2004). Specifically with male respondents, common results for the study include arousal dysfunctions and fear of sex with women. Specifically for females, those who experienced childhood sexual abuse demonstrated lack of pleasure or satisfaction from sexual encounters (Denov 2004). It is evident childhood sexual abuse strongly effects adulthood developing a fear of sex, arousal dysfunctions, sexual inhibition and lack of pleasures by sexual encounters (Denov 2004). All in all, all these factors can strongly lead to a dissatisfying sexual relationship with a partner. Depression adversely affects every aspect of an individual’s life, including our relationships. When depression occurs between sexual encounters, it can heavily affect the relationship negatively (Lykins 2006). When one suffers depression, a lost of inte rest in sexual activities can occur and evidently minimizes a couple’s desire for intimacy (Lykins 2006). This can be shameful because intimacy, closeness and support can be therapeutic for an individual suffering depression. Some studies have linked depression with a decrease in sexual activity but others have reported an increase. In Lykins’ (2006) study, 663 females college-aged students answered questions regarding the effects of anxious and depressed mood on sexual interest and arousal. These respondents completed trait measures of sexual excitation and depression. It was discovered depressive symptoms tend to possess a greater desire in sexual activities for these women, mostly gearing towards masturbation (Lykins 2006). It was found that depressive symptoms lead to less satisfying sexual activities with an encounter. Moreover, respondents turned to masturbation because it was more reliable then pleasure. In this study, a variable discovered was that propensity for sexual excitation was the strongest predictor for women between depression and sex (Lykins 2006). Furthermore, depressive woman had the strongest tendency to perform risky and compulsive sexual behavior or develops sexual dysfunction. Along with this study, another sample were 339 college-aged men where some also developed depression throughout their adolescents. When men were compared to woman for those suffering in depression, men carried much stronger desires for sexual interest during these mood states. Unfortunately, there are a number of factors that limit the accuracy of this study. One of which those with clinical depression were not considered. Furthermore, to ensure reliability of the study, these issues can be looked further to ensure accuracy for this topic. As mentioned through this paper, there are numerous factors that could be linked to Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). HSDD is the deficiency or the absence of sexual fantasies or the desire for sexual activity, which ultimately lead to distress or interpersonal difficulty among a person (Maserejian et al., 2010). This disorder can most certainly be a damper on relationships with a partner. Anxiety correlates to HSDD when the individual develops a fear of sexual relations and insecurities towards their sexual performance (McCabe, 2005). It is apparent child abuse is a huge factor which causes one to develop HSDD. Denov (2006) had found that traumatic events as a childhood can lead to dysfunctions and can lack sexual desires for any encounters. Additional research is needed to answer all questions between HSDD and depression. This evidently can help complete analysis and fill the gap between the two factors. An improvement that could be made within all the studies is bigger sample sizes in order to achieve more accurate information. A final suggestion for future and more precise research would be the effects of sexual desire in relation to males, as many of the studies are geared towards female participants. References: Basson, R. (2006). Sexual desire and arousal disorders in women. The new england journal o f medicine, 354, 1497-1506. Retrieved from http://www.obgyn.uab.edu/medicalstudents/obgyn/uasom/documents/September/SEX DYSF.pdf Berman , J. (2001). For women only: A revolutionary guide to reclaiming your sex life [. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Co. Denov, M. (2004). The long-term effects of child sexual abuse by female perpetrators. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19(10), 1137-1156. Retrieved from http://jiv.sagepub.com/content/19/10/1137.full.pdf html Maserejian, N. (2010). The presentation of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in premenopausal women. International Society for Sexual Medicine, 7(10), 3438-3448. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20646184 McCabe, M. (2005). The role of performance anxiety in the development and maintenance of sexual dysfunction in men and women. International journal of stress management, 12(4), 379-388. Retrieved from http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/str/12/4/379.pdf Psychosocial. 2013. In Merriam-Webster.com. Retrieved Feb 4, 2011, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/psychosocial

Monday, October 14, 2019

Developing a game levels

Developing a game levels ABSTRACT: This dissertation is focused on the Current FPS Game Levels Played and Suggests how to Develop a Game level based on a gamers Feed backs. The full content and the Procedure of the Dissertation is based on experiences and first hand research In this dissertation you find all the needed data about how to create a level and the proper procedure of developing a level based on Gamers feed back. The process explained in this dissertation is much simpler and organized for the current generation of gaming We shall discuss on how to start of by understanding the current generation of Gamers and how to create a proper game level with the researched data. This dissertation explains the procedure thoroughly in such a way that it can be implemented at any given generations of gaming. The procedure can be used by any game designer. They can use the implemented data and get optimal result based on their first hand research. AIM: To analyze the perceptions of gamers and to develop a proper game level using their feed backs OBEJECTIVE: To explain the procedure for a proper game level To analyze the current status of gaming To evaluate the research data and come out with a proper conclusion To analyze the dos and donts for creating a level To provide a guideline to level designers to use researched materials To make a recommendation for creating a proper level in future METHODS: Establishing a targeted audiences A survey of current practice in different types of levels A survey of current practice in different types of themes used in levels A survey of current practice in different types of genres A series of case studies about the most popular levels A review of historical perspective of level designing A qualitative evaluation of gamers review Summary of Chapters Describing what is a game level The first phase is Introduction and brief history about level design. Readers will get a brief introduction about the topic and will also get to read some of the brief history Preparing for survey research The second phase is preparing a proper survey question for the audience. This phase is really important and will make you understand the current generation of gaming Establishing Targeted Audiences The third phase explains about choosing the right audiences for your research Interviewing them Individually The fourth phase will a face 2 face interview with the gamers and asking them questions according to the survey Analyzing the Researched Data The Fifth phase will be analyze all the researched data and create a proper chart of everything Pre Production ( Concepts Layouts And Design) The sixth phase we have to create concept arts and layouts according to the Chart Production ( Prototype and Modeling the Map) The Seventh Phase is the production part. Where we will be creating a proper prototype and then move on to creating the level Post Production ( lighting, Effects and Finalization) The Eighth phase is the finalization phase. Where we should have a proper working level. Then testing and balancing the level Selling your level The final phase is how to release and sell your level Introduction: Building levels is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences I can think of. Taking pure imagination and making it come alive is absolutely addictive-a creative process so immersive and consuming that youll start craving it when you havent done it for too long. Some people think the fun is in playing the game, but, for a few special people, creating and building the environments in which other people play causes mere game playing to pale in comparison. If youre reading this book, you are probably one of those special people who have that compulsion to create, and, with your creation, entertain. Level design is a mixture of art and science. Level design requires artistic skills and as well as extensive technical knowledge. Any level designer with professional skills will no succeed by grasping current generation of gaming, game flow and pacing. A level designer who understands this structure has no architectural or Art experience will fail as well. Level designing is creations of levels in which the player interacts with the game environment to play in the game universe. A level is created by using the level design tools in an existing engine or even a new engine can be created to create your own level design according to your user interface and shortcuts. Many famous company usually develop there own level editor. This way they can keep up with the current generation of gaming and save a lot a time. Creating a level design might be easy for any level designer but the main question will the level sell or liked by the gamers? At least more than 100 of levels are posted online for different games out of which only very few get chosen and liked by gamers. The whole point of level design is How addictive and competitive is your level? Will it be played again and again? Will it sell in the market? In this dissertation you will get to see a complete guide on how to create a game level based on gamers feedback. And give you a complete solution on developing a working level which will sell in the market easily. The methods described in this dissertation can be analyzed and used at time of the gaming generation. The whole process revolves in an around gamers of current gaming generations. This dissertation is specially designed for wide range of people. Actually, the first priority group for this dissertation is game level designers. And this dissertation also explains how a level can be created by using the feedbacks of current generation of gaming. This dissertation is should be read from start to finish because you come to know that each chapter has it own meaning and importance. Chapter 1: Describing what is a game level Level designing is the creations of levels in a level editor by a level designer. To create a proper level design by a level designer needs artistic as well as architectural skills. Level is one who is never afraid to step back and re-correcting their content. A great designer needs to throw content out or work on concepts that needs attention A level designer creates a level try to sell it and make it famous it doesnt work why because the level? Have mention the reason below concept is boring and repetitive Themes are repetitive and not new Is not built properly Doesnt understand the current gaming generation Proper obstacles are not used It is extremely important for a level designer to recognize a proper level. Instead of making a same level which concept is already used? They should try to come out with something really new when his work is not coming together. In one instance a games become tired of playing the same level with the same and boring content over and over. A great level might gets scrapped or reworked because a designing cycle is dragging on and a gamers who plays it feels the work is not as fresh and new. A designer must recognize that their view is tainted. One good possibilities of creating a good level is by understanding the gamers of the current gaming generations History: In the earlier days there was no such thing has level designer. Everything was done by the programmer. So basically the game programmer does the programming part and the level designing part. The Beginning 1975-1980 In the beginning people never really cared about the levels in the games are played because. The first games where were developed didnt need that much of attention for levels. MUDs was one of the firsts games that actually required a lots of attention and time to the level designs .This Game was developed by Ralph Koster, Brad McQuaid, Mark Jacobs, Brian Green and J.Todd Coleman. A MUD ( multi-user dungeon ), is a multi-user real-time virtual world which is described entirely in text. Basically the game is a text based game. It have different features of elements like RPG ( role-playing-games), Interactive fictions and online chatting. Users actually got to see a lot in this game because of the details of the description such as rooms, object, other players, non-players characters, and actions performed in the virtual world Players interacts with each other by typing in commands. The designers where assigned to create new paths, design and tools for this game. The game interface used in this was ZZT, which was a early notable interface for mapping and event scripting, and it is still gentlest way to introduce a person to a level layout. Then later on game in 1978 the game Space invaders was created by Tomohiro Nishikado Space invaders was a two-dimensional game were you have to control a spaceship shooting at alien moving forward towards you. The whole was created and designed by Tomohiro Nishikado Himself. There was not much of details for the level of this game. But later on when it was popular in the market Different version was released in 2D and 3D In 1978 the famous game Adventure was created in Atari. This game was created based on the text based game called as Colossal Cave Adventure This game was developed by Atari and the designer of this game was Warrenn Robinnett the level designed in this game are simple maze where the players has to find the key get to the door by dodging all the obstacles and enemies on his way In the Middle (1980-1998) In 1980 The great game which is still played now was created. The game Pac Man It was the most best played in the earlier 80s. The creator of the game was Toru Iwantani He developed and as well as designed the game fully. If you see level of the game is a maze which makes the game more interesting. This game was so popular that later on it manufacture again with more difficulty and designs In 1985, the famous side scroller 2D game was created Super Mario Bros was created by Shingeru Miramato. He was a designer for Nintendo. The 2D level were very simple but yet realistic and nice at that time of gaming generation people played this game over and over and were still not bored of it. There were totally 4 types of different stages in this. The stages of this game had many obstacles and enemies which made the game more interesting In 1993, the first fps (first person shooter) game was released. Wolfenstein 3D this game was created by using a Software called ID software by john carmack. The levels in this game are like mazes. Your main goal is to escape out of the maze like prison. The level designed in this are not that much detailed. Most of the walls and the ceiling have the same color. It was pretty difficult but the game was fun and really enjoyed by the users The Change 1998-2009 In 1998, the game Unreal released and was a massive hit. The game unreal was created by epic games and was really famous for its graphics and sound effects which mad the game so realistic. The unreal released there unreal engine which was so much advanced and better compared to id software which created games like Wolfenstein 3d, Doom etc If you play the game unreal you see that the levels are really scaring and the effects of the game are really incredible. Unreal boosted the expectations of 3D graphics considerably. Unreal was one of the first games which used detailed textures. When player stand next to an object or wall the textures detail will fade in and make look more realistic instead of showing it blurry like other games. The lighting effects took time to develop but the result of it was incredible because the course of the development occurred during the emergence and rapid progression of hardware 3D accelerators. So , with the advanced software 3D render. CHAPTER 2: Preparing for Research Survey In this Chapter you will learn Researching about current gaming Generation Planning your Survey Research Preparing the proper question Research about games played and the market viability Preparing your Survey question Preparing your Survey Form Knowing about current gaming generation: Gaming generations are defined as the video games released from the day of existence till now. The generations are In 1970, the first generation also known as golden age of video games was the phase when people came to know the existence of gaming. This was the time when the first generations of consoles were released. For example the Brown Box these consoles got famous among the people because of the release of revolutionary technology. Then in the first generation the main frame computers were released. Later on the Home computers were introduced to programmers were they get to program simple games. In 1977, the Second generation of gaming started was the earliest consoles were made. In this generation the video games were found on cartridges, with the release of the Fairchild Video Entertainment System (VES). The games were programmed and burned onto a ROM chip which was mounted on a cartridge which will be plugged into slots on the console Three machines which dominated Second generation consoles are. Video Computer System ( VCS) Intellivision ColecoVision In 1983, the third generation was the innovation of genre, in this period the different types of genres were introduced to the Market. Such as Adventure, Fighting, Maze games, Platform Etc. The gaming computers were introduced with basic programming environment and advanced graphics. The famous consoles of this generation were the Nintendo 8 bit console and sega masters console. In 1990, the fourth generation was a change from transition from pixels to full 3D graphics and the rise of several new genres such as FPS ( first-person shooter) and RPG (Role playing games) . Mobile Phone gaming was introduced in this generation. Some of the famous console of this generation is the Sega mega drive and the super nes. The CD-ROM drives were first introduced in this generation. For the Pc games and Basic 3D graphics entered the main stream with flat shaded polygons which made the gaming more famous in this generation. In 1993, the fifth generation gaming was full on with CDs and not with Cartridges. In this period lot of companies released console with 3DO Interactive Multiplayer. The fifth generation was famous because of fully 3D games. Transitions to 3D and CDs happened in this generation. Most of the Designer moved from 2D to full 3D genre games. Some of the famous consoles of this generation are Sony playstation, Sega jaguar In 1998, the sixth generation gaming the gaming level was way beyond compared to the past were all the people switched to full 3D gaming and the rise of alternate controllers and also online gaming rises to prominence like online MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) were introduced. The rise of pc causal games such as Bejeweled, Dinner Dash which really addictive among the adults. Some of the consoles of this Generation are Playstation2, Microsoft XBOX Game boy Advanced Etc. Since 2004, the current (Seventh) generation of gamers has taken effect. In the starting some of the handheld consoles were introduced with 3D graphics. (PSP, Nintendo DS) which was really famous among people. The Seventh generation of consoles was released by the well known companies (Sony playstaion3, Microsoft Xbox360 and Nintendo Wii) which is still famous among people and most played currently. Apple inc. enters the realm of gaming by bringing iPhone and iTouch. The computer gaming was way beyond imagination with high end 3D graphics. Famous company Nvidia Introduced the new 3D goggles for the feel of realistic 3D effect sitting at home.